Friday, November 30, 2012

Palace of Versailles

Dear Palace of Versailles

one favor

have some sort of line
because trying to enter into the palace was a cluster eff of epic proportions

so what do Texans do when they can't get in

golf cart buggy over the palace grounds
scare little children and run into hedges

the typical


My second stop in my world trip was Paris
I never had the ultimate urge to visit there, but once I arrived in France it became one of my favorites.
Maybe because I had actual good meals there.

I saw the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Seine River
I saw a burlesque show
I walked the Champs De Elysee
I got sullied with some best mates
I sat on the steps of the Sacre Coure, while watching the sun set over Paris

The Louvre is over-rated, but worth a visit.
I know a catch 22, a conundrum of sorts.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Somecards part dos

I need to work for this company....

Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussuad's

or as I like to call it, just chillin with my homies
the puppies, as we affectionately called ourselves took some time touring London's Madame Tussuad's

Good thing we bought the tickets early, cause that mother was packed!

I mean for reals, where can you hang out with all the "it celebs" in one location without having security be alerted to your presence

there is also a picture floating around the inter webs of all of us with the royal family
I might add that I'm giving Kate a run for her money as I'm arm and arm with Wills.

maybe I should photo shop her out  for my Christmas card

Breaker Breaker one nine~ stalkeratzi!

Double Decker Continued

taking his job seriously

Hi yourself, Your Majesty!

famous telephone booths

The blue bookstore

Puppy Power

An Australian in Britain
This is just a few of the 1000 photos I took with my camera, not to mention the 600 or so I took on my IPhone. These are a few of my amazing tour mates, I was extremely blessed by the people who showed up. All ended up being cool, chill and fun.

This day we toured the shopping district in London, and purchased our puppy outfits.
Why not be crazy kids on vacation.
We sure made an impression all right

more to come later
breaker breaker one nine~ woof woof 

I'm gonna hopt the pond, and have a spot of tea with the Queen!


So beautiful and lovely weather right before the Olympics!
I arrived one week before the opening ceremony which had the city at the height of excitement
lots of different countries, and lots of different people to watch

I met up with an old friend and he took me on a tour of the city
I'm sorry L for being so jet lagged
little sleep in air + excitement = in bed by 8:30 my time I think

we saw it all
and the best part was the speed boat tour of the Thames
I'm sorry for teasing about not going on one L too!
How was I supposed to know?
I sometimes put a whole shoe store in my mouth, instead of just my foot.

just chillen with the queen... notice the open door on the balcony!

Very funny german tourists, who dressed the part. One even had an accordian on his back

Mr. Big Ben!
I think I saw it all that day
and this was before I met some of my contiki tourmates

we may or may not have shown up to our meet and greet meeting in puppy onesies

We're the six best friends anyone could have
more on London coming up

Breaker Breaker One Nine~ cheerio ol' chap

Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm back... with a slight vengence...


Took a couple weeks off to wander all around Europe. It was amazing, and much needed, then I headed back straight into a beautiful friends wedding and straight into inservice for work, so I haven't had a chance to update you lovely readers on my wherabouts.

rest assured I'll do a country by country bloggy update, so you can see my wild and crazy (i'm the oldest one on the group) tour of Europe.

For now, though....

I just survived period one of my new students.

more on that later though.

Breaker Breaker One Nine commencing radio silence for the time being.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

And who says Jesus isn't all around

Found him today, just hanging out.

Remember to say your prayers and wash your hands because Jesus and germs are everywhere.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Another one bites the dust...

Points for originality, see photographic evidence below.... #lossforwords #wtf #que?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bob Schneider

Worked a private event Saturday where Austin native Bob Schneider played at the request of the groom...

Excellent performance, really neat gift to give, but dude only one thing comes to mind when you wear your sunglasses inside... douche.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some e cards

Please hire me, you're fabulous! Not to mention a hilarious, snarky bitch and I love how you say what people are thinking!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Spent some time in the Panhandle, to see some of my favorite peeps, and relax in God's Country...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

50 shades of OMG!!!

I hesitated on these books, because looking at the Amazon Reviews they pretty much bashed the writing.
The only thing that saved me from this greatness was my co-workers who have been talking about the books for some time now and how they couldn't put them down.

oh em gee
they are fifty shades of fantastic
so much so I want my own Christian
but not one whose as fucked up as he is
I admit I would have had a ton of hard limits to contest with

I am half way through book three.
Yes I read the first two books in one day
I had to force myself to put book three down at 3 am this morning because I actually had to go to work

come to find out they are making them in to a movie, and for the life of me I don't know how they are going to get around an NC17 Rating, but I will be there at the midnight showing.

I already have a list of potential Christians that I feel would do the job justly
damn it HOLLYWOOD, call me!

Here is the list

Jensen Ackles
Could do brooding due to Supernatural, self-deprecating in that show, don't know if he could command power with a look.

Tom Hardy
The only thing is the accent, which is oh so glorious. Maybe Christian's Shrink? Weaponry, flying skills, the machismo are all there. Kinda awk with the romance... not that I would be complaining if he was romancing me. just sayin.

Michael Fassbender

no doubt he could be dark, he has done some dark roles, can't picture him as romantic, but he definitely gets a check in the can do crazy category needed ala Christian.

Alex O'loughlin

I mean he's just SEX ON A STICK! Always plays the rescuer, don' t know if he could pull off being the rescuee, especially by a girl. This girl wouldn't mind the kinky fuckery aspect at all!

Timothy Olyphant

I love me some Timmy, I know he can pull off the dark side of the Character, he has the commanding power on screen. Only drawback is age, and size. Book Character is 28, and well from Justified he's just a little scrawny. Muscular, but scrawny.  Still a top contender

Colin Farrell

He would be an excellent candidate, I know he would be excellent at the dark aspect, he would be excellent at the kinky fuckery, but could his Irish Charm work against him or not?

Jeremy Renner

Um yeah, photo alone tells of his dark broodiness, fit, excellent at protection ala MI 5 movie, don't know if he could handle the emotional aspect though. Haven't really seen him in anything other than action movies.

But my favorite pick

Mr. Joe Mangeiello
I mean, seriously dark, coming off of True Blood, oozes power and authority with that boyish charm , and I mean, come on just look at him. He has Christian written all over him.

Do yourself a favor, read the damn books
all images via and via