Tuesday, May 29, 2012

50 shades of OMG!!!

I hesitated on these books, because looking at the Amazon Reviews they pretty much bashed the writing.
The only thing that saved me from this greatness was my co-workers who have been talking about the books for some time now and how they couldn't put them down.

oh em gee
they are fifty shades of fantastic
so much so I want my own Christian
but not one whose as fucked up as he is
I admit I would have had a ton of hard limits to contest with

I am half way through book three.
Yes I read the first two books in one day
I had to force myself to put book three down at 3 am this morning because I actually had to go to work

come to find out they are making them in to a movie, and for the life of me I don't know how they are going to get around an NC17 Rating, but I will be there at the midnight showing.

I already have a list of potential Christians that I feel would do the job justly
damn it HOLLYWOOD, call me!

Here is the list

Jensen Ackles
Could do brooding due to Supernatural, self-deprecating in that show, don't know if he could command power with a look.

Tom Hardy
The only thing is the accent, which is oh so glorious. Maybe Christian's Shrink? Weaponry, flying skills, the machismo are all there. Kinda awk with the romance... not that I would be complaining if he was romancing me. just sayin.

Michael Fassbender

no doubt he could be dark, he has done some dark roles, can't picture him as romantic, but he definitely gets a check in the can do crazy category needed ala Christian.

Alex O'loughlin

I mean he's just SEX ON A STICK! Always plays the rescuer, don' t know if he could pull off being the rescuee, especially by a girl. This girl wouldn't mind the kinky fuckery aspect at all!

Timothy Olyphant

I love me some Timmy, I know he can pull off the dark side of the Character, he has the commanding power on screen. Only drawback is age, and size. Book Character is 28, and well from Justified he's just a little scrawny. Muscular, but scrawny.  Still a top contender

Colin Farrell

He would be an excellent candidate, I know he would be excellent at the dark aspect, he would be excellent at the kinky fuckery, but could his Irish Charm work against him or not?

Jeremy Renner

Um yeah, photo alone tells of his dark broodiness, fit, excellent at protection ala MI 5 movie, don't know if he could handle the emotional aspect though. Haven't really seen him in anything other than action movies.

But my favorite pick

Mr. Joe Mangeiello
I mean, seriously dark, coming off of True Blood, oozes power and authority with that boyish charm , and I mean, come on just look at him. He has Christian written all over him.

Do yourself a favor, read the damn books
all images via and via

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