Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Damn Yankee's (spring breaker part dos)

How do you spell Mississippi?
Do you mean the river or the state?

with that little gem, we ventured onward into Mississippi
and do you know what's fun to do
wikipedia the shiz nit out of each town you pass through

so navigator of the moment
who ever is not driving would wikipedia various towns for interesting facts
and when you get BORED of that

you make inappropriate jokes about the various billboards lining the highway

like the malion
a combo of a lion and a man's head

am i malion to ya?
absolutely not
we spent most of the afternoon driving down Mississippi, heading for the lower part of Bama to cut through to Florida.

We Loved Mississippi!
We nearly died in Alabama 3 times in the hour we were there.

and what the Helen Keller Alabama

how do you pronounce Mobile, Alabama
Mo Bull
Mo Bill
Mo Ball
Mo Bile

help a damn Yankee out

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