Friday, March 30, 2012

Celebrity Encounter

So I work a part time job in the event planning industry
I pass food
I take drink orders
I stand around in all black clothing

I get to see incredible places
I get to see awesome events
I get to interact with chefs from great restaurants

and i get to see celebrities like the lovely and talented

Ms. Gabrielle Union

I was coming out from the back of the house after dropping off glassware and had to stop at the drapes due to the fact that Ms. Gabrielle Union was literally a foot away from me.

It was pretty awesome
not gonna lie

If we had a moment to talk I have no doubt that we would be besties, but alas no such luck

just another fabulous day in the life of breaker breaker one nine

the best photo ever

with the advent of twitter, instagram, and facebook I have the opportunity to connect to people around the world.
This blog has been read by people in Russia, Germany and Puerto Rico

to my worldly peeps

but you want to know what something else, I can be a stage five stalker of cute puppies all over the world.
my little hipster self follows a lovely little Brussels Griffo named

what for it....

I must say, a very excellent and appropriate name for this handsome dapper and below are some doozies of this very energetic and playful guy

I now want to meet Mr. Digby and now want to add a Brussels Griffon to my own home and without ado, here is some lovely little photographs of Mr. Dixby Van Winkle

may I escort you to the ball, ma'am

such an lovebug
my blue steel model look, and I'm a dapper gentleman with my bow tie don't you think!

and the best photo ever

i burst out laughing

Mr. Digby in rare form

rough night in the cone of shame

all photos via

Tarot Card Reading

New Orleans is famous for a lot of things
Cajun food
Bourbon Street
great jazz
it is also known to have voodoo

now, I am extremely respectful of all religions especially ones that could potentially cast out bad juju for disrespect. As we are touring Bourbon street and people watching we decide to enter into a Voodoo shop. You can purchase herbs, amulets, dolls, books and a whole lot of other stuff dealing with the practice of voodoo. All around they have idols in place for various idols. It was very interesting to speak with knowledgeable people on the subject. They had everything you could imagine you might need.

They also had a Tarot Card Reader

Now, the store was very crowded and I didn't want to have everyone and their dog witness, so we made our exit and then found another shop down the way. My friend J was drawn in by a shirt in the window, and then we realized that you could also get your Tarot Card Read.

I was in luck, he threw in a palm reading as well. I wish i would have recorded the session, because I am a skeptic at heart, and well he was spot on.
He asked my my name and where I was from and that is it.

Here is a breakdown of what he said

hard worker, but doesn't like to give up control
I hold things in, then I will burst kinda like a volcano
I'm in my head alot, and need to give myself a break
I need to tap back into my emotions, and not store them in a box
That if I don't accept change, then mother earth will change it for me and in the next 2 years give or take, big changes are going to happen in my life.

I'm not in the job I want to do for the rest of my life, but I don't yet know what it is
That I have to take a leap of faith

My friend J was squirming in her seat because she wanted to burst out that he was spot on!

If you never had a reading before, do yourself a favor and have one. Not only is it fun, but it is also sometimes spot on. I'm glad I did it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Only A Place You Can Go

Pain is alive in a broken heart
The past never does go away
We were born to love
And we're born to pay
The price for our mistakes

Grace, she comes with a heavy load
Memories, they can't be erased
Like a pill I swallow, he makes me well
And leaves an awful taste
Oh I know this song won't do
Enough to prove my love to you
In my heart you'll always know
There is a place only love can go
There is a place only you can go

Take my notions and words to heart
This is the cry of a man
I can't bring you fortune or noble life
But I'll love you all I can

Oh I know this song won't do
Enough to prove my love to you
In my heart you'll always know
There is a place only you can go

Oh I know this song won't do
Enough to prove my love to you
In my heart you'll always know
There is a place only love can go
There is a place only you can go

courtesy of

This is where I'm at right now
I'm a emotional mess
I have tears in my eyes as my students are resting after their standarized testing
and all I want to do is put in my ipod to drown out the racquetball of warring emotions going on in my head right now.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Breaker Breaker OH hell nawlin's

New Orleans
or the Cajun Kingdom deserves it's own post
more importantly the drivers of New Orleans deserve their own post

in the city limits there are now speed limit signs, just minimum allowable so picture this if you will, a car on your right going 40 and the car on your left going 100 mph.
not to mention, the random lane changes
the sudden stops
the overpasses and bridges
and you have a heart attack waiting to happen

I think i slammed on the invisible backseat driver break 17.9876 times in a matter of minutes

oh, and don't forget the random truck that blew through a red light a full minute after it changed.
luckily there was traffic or poor bertimus (my car) would have been T-Boned

Louisiana Please... Please.... Please set mandatory speed limits, and for the love of god fix your roads. Bertimus needs new shocks and struts after its tour of your fair city.

Other than the Traffic, you are a gem of a city and for my one reader so far here are few key words to keep you intrigued for my next post

Voo Doo Shops
Cemetery Tour
Palm Reading
St. Patrick
Touch Down Jesus
Gay Boys
Bourbon St
Powdered Sugar Deliciousness
and Indiana Alumni in the fair city rooting for my Alma mater

Damn Yankee's (spring breaker part dos)

How do you spell Mississippi?
Do you mean the river or the state?

with that little gem, we ventured onward into Mississippi
and do you know what's fun to do
wikipedia the shiz nit out of each town you pass through

so navigator of the moment
who ever is not driving would wikipedia various towns for interesting facts
and when you get BORED of that

you make inappropriate jokes about the various billboards lining the highway

like the malion
a combo of a lion and a man's head

am i malion to ya?
absolutely not
we spent most of the afternoon driving down Mississippi, heading for the lower part of Bama to cut through to Florida.

We Loved Mississippi!
We nearly died in Alabama 3 times in the hour we were there.

and what the Helen Keller Alabama

how do you pronounce Mobile, Alabama
Mo Bull
Mo Bill
Mo Ball
Mo Bile

help a damn Yankee out

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Breakdown Part 1

I have always loved history, maybe because it came so easy to me.
I have always been an average student, never really excelling at much except for history, looking back though, I could have probably put in a little more effort on my end.

shh! don't tell my parentals :)

part one of my vacation started out at 6 am, with a stop over in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Why you ask, well the Vicksburg Military Park, the site of a Civil War Battle.

I teach about the Civil War, and only recently have learned to love the struggle in right vs. wrong, not to mention how the actions of a few can affect millions.
Besides today's generation is more concerned with the latest Call of Duty or the latest iPhone update not with military history from over a hundred years ago.

I felt like a tour guide, I even corrected a couple boy scout troops on their inaccurate history of the site, went on to have a picnic beside the national cemetery and realized that these men fought and died for an ideal that many today wouldn't even consider. It makes me sad for this generation, they will most likely not know what honor and duty mean, or what it means to sacrifice for an ideology. 

funny side note upon exiting Dallas it was cold and rainy, arriving at Vicksburg Military Park it was warm and sunny which would require a change into new clothing. So by the Illinois Monument honoring those who gallantly fought at Vicksburg, were two girls changing into shorts.
I ask my friend whether or not this is considered disrespectful and in all reality it most likely was, but her response was hilarious. Soldiers like semi-clothed girls, I'm assuming even dead ones like them too.

So to all of the civil war ghosts lingering there, you're welcome for my change from soccer pants to shorts I hope you liked my boy shorts.

now without further delay
here are some lovely photos of Vicksburg Military Park
Texas Monument

National Cemetery

brief description of long battle

Cannons lined up to fire upon the Confederates Position across the way

Entrance to the Park

Cotton Candy doesn't come from Cotton

I spend my time teaching the youth of americah!
We are currently on the subject of booming economies such as cotton, and as my students are realizing that machinery has revolutionized the agrarian process, I get a question wondering if cotton candy comes from cotton.

no sweetie it doesn't, cotton candy is spun sugar
can i be back here for another week

pretty please with a cherry on top!

I promise to be good

later gators
back to the wonderful world of cotton
it's the fabric of our lives
(courtesy of the cotton industry slogan)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break 2012

I spent my week here
Destin, Florida

and in

It was exactly what I needed
I will update more later with the crazy things we did especially when I had a palm reading along with a tarot card reading

and gave me some insight into what I should do next

Many pics and updates to follow, but I must go teach about the cotton industry where I already had a student ask if Cotton Candy came from Cotton, so I have my work cut out for me.

Love you Blogosphere
more soon!

Friday, March 9, 2012


so yeah, the last blog update was about two weeks ago
why you ask?

well let's see, I ended up with a severe sinus infection/cough from hades
I sounded like a twelve year old going thru the change

that turned into

which makes me being sick for the last five weeks straight

hydrocodone cough syrup is a god send.

posts of epicness to return soon

miss ya
breaker breaker one nine