Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back To Blogsville...

            I haven't blogged in a couple years, heck if I were completely honest with you... I wrote maybe three entries in it's entirety before it became the blogospheres version of road kill.... I vented something about the atrocity of K. Stewart's acting ability or her inability not to be totes awk at everything and then high tailed it out of dodge in case it became uber popular and I received a cease and desist order from her people. My people, couldn't afford her people snooping around and like a scaredy cat I hissed and pissed the little bloggy away. In truth I don't even have people, I would need to get people to deal with her people.... and that well is exhausting.

             But now I'm back and ready to take on the world... It's a 2012 goal, or maybe it's unrealized/unspoken goal to "brave face" the world and to quote one of the greatest lines from the movie The Family Stone... "let your freak flag fly" and with that comment, I  either just lost my only visitor or gained a stage five clinger.  Oh well... If this is your first glimpse to the Breaker Breaker One Nine, let me dazzle you with my wit... my charm or a maybe even a payoff. I'll slip you a George Wash and call it even... You're probably wondering what you can even get for a buck these days... Hello Dollar Menu! I reccomend the 4 piece chicken nuggs with ketch or bbq sauce.

No, ok. In reality I'm about to be given the luxurious offer of checking the 30 -34 box on all gov forms!  Yay Me! I whittle away my existence teaching the youth of America, all about Americuh! It what's pays the taxes come April. 
 If you haven't guessed yet, I speak four languages, English, sarcasm, movie quotes and sexual innuendos to get my point across. The first three are primary languages, the last is only  for the 18+ crowd. I have to maintains some sense of respectability. My life is a conversation of "You Had To Be There", "What The Hades" and some stories could be on the cover of the local tabbies at the checkout stand, but it's all mine and allows me the dubious honor of epic stories to share. 
Remind me to tell you about  Grandpa Pick up lines, they're my favorite as I maneuver this dating mine field. Should I be politically correct, and use the term IED? Be on the lookout, I love a man in uniform, as long as it's not alternating black and white or neon orange... I save those lovelies for the lifetime movie special ladies.... Totes Obvi, those lovelies are their own breed of cray cray, that I will not be a member of.......

Ten Four good buddies...
Call Sign Dirt Diver,  
most call me A ( no relation to ABC family PLL A)
I'm way more awesome, and don't kill people.

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