Wednesday, February 29, 2012

They See Me Rollin.....


yepper's bliggity blog world. They see me rollin', they hatin'... the fact I got's the strep.

previous post, mentioned fire breathing infected four year old
7-10 day incubation period and I get the strep

the only difference is they issue me the "good" cough syrup
the one that prohibits you from operating heavy machinery

i also got some antibiotics too

teaching middle schoolers though, I would rather stay contagious.

downside to being sick while single
you actually have to take care of yourself and that's just exhausting.

breaker breaker

Monday, February 20, 2012


House of Blues

3rd Encore
epic drum ensemble

even better when they threw in some Johnny Cash
and some Stand By Me


Friday, February 17, 2012

Stop Collaborate and Listen

love me some of my coworkers
same sense of humor
quality peeps
We all decided to head up to this country bar in BFE almost Oklahoma to hear a band called No Justice on what had to be the coldest night in Texas. You'll notice I'm the smart one wearing a jacket. I would like to point out a few highlights of the night..

*barefoot girl dancing on stange and in bar area
*drunk leaner holding two, 32 ounces while his girl sashayed on the floor
*a man using the pick up line about his 24 year old friend getting out of a bad marriage to a 39 yr old.
*shemale or what we thought was one (almost 6'5) grabbing coworkers brother's butt
* almost running out of gas in BFE
*me having to pay all night because stripes up there in the photo forgot to activate her card
*J grabbing my belt loop to dance with me... I think she needs lessons on leading
*ohh 40th anniversary twinsies at VIP table. Same outfit, same hair, same hat, one boy, one girl.
*aarp groper in the cheapseats
*rapping the entire Ice Ice baby song in a country bar (we killed it btw)
and the end to an epic night

*my friend lives around here, lets go bug him at 2 am.. says J, to which we say ok! 20 minutes of driving, and can't find his house. When is the last time you were here? I was here when it was farm roads, not real roads says J. How long we replied? 6 months... Yeah, that's why nothing looks familiar...


Fast forward to work next day.... Stripes thinks she's cracked a rib due to an over zealous girl pulling her to dance and J has 2200 dollars worth of damage to her car due to taking a corner too short, and I find out about 4 week marriage boy.

wouldn't want anyone else in my corner at work.

Thursday, February 16, 2012



Meet Bear ( yes an animal name)
Job: Lead Singer

Only band in the last ten years that I have purchased their last two albums whole and loved every song on them. Do yourself a favor and see them if you can.

words that speak to my heart

Monday, February 13, 2012

now accepting cats......


I feel this picture is appropriate considering tomorrow is SAD's day (see earlier post) and the news I just heard. I have a friend who has tried to set me up with two of her male friends. The first guy didn't work out because I don't fit into his target age range. He either dates 10 years younger than him, or 20 years older. He's 32, do the mathmatica's. Oh and last time we all hung out as a group he said women were horrifying. apparently his college girlfriend broke up with him that day. So my friend tries to set me up with another friend, who lets be honest flirts hardcore with me every time we hang out including the last time. Walked into work this morning, to my co-worker saying hey..... long Boy #2 met someone a couple days after we all hang out, and is proposing to her tomorrow.  Awesome, did I mention the last time we hung out was about a month and a half ago.

Five weeks time span from introduction to marriage proposal. I'm not going to mention how long I have known Boy #2.... I'll be at the SPCA adopting cats.... in my mumu... oh did I mention my coworkers four year old, who is sick breathed on me today too. I might also be infected...

later gators
hot mess express party of one

Friday, February 10, 2012

Balloon Artist Pickup

so yeah, I apparently get picked up rather famously, and sadly, it's not famous people picking me up... I mean seriously like I would say no to Chris Pine or Tom Hardy or Ryan Gosling... Sad fact is, that is not who likes little ole' me. I apparently attract AARP members, who have retired and want a wife or a girlfriend who could technically be their daughter, even their granddaughter. 
I can see it now
Senior Discounts
Dinner at 4:30
elastic waist pants
social security checks

that might be the life
if I was 80 but I'm not I'm gonna be 30!
So this guy takes the cake, take a look at the picture below it will give you a hint as to his profession

Yep, that's right after almost 40 years in computers, he turned to balloon artistry
did I mention he's the regional manager of the DFW Balloon Artist
did i mention he's the lead balloon artist trainer
did I mention he's pushing 60.
did I mention he's balding
did I mention he works at Buffalo Wild Wings as their main balloon artist

He first made his approach to comment on how cute my friends baby was, and by the time he left he handed me his business card with his employee id number and personal cell phone number.

I think my mouth hit the floor and my friends couldn't stop laughing at me as we left.

I got picked up by a 60+ Balloon Artist
I might as well get a mu mu and 15 cats if this is how my dating life is going to go.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

This is the only quote that is getting me through the last couple days. I know it's not necessarily the happiest post to be writing about, I will try and add in a video update of how I sounded and how I was picked up by a 60 year old balloon guy last week, but this is where I'm at right now. We all want to feel valued, appreciated and well that we matter in what we do. This last week, I have felt none of that and on top of it I have been sick.... yeah a trifecta of sickness,  being undervalued, and well a case of a pity party has made me one happy camper to be around... so to save you all unlike the titanic it's been radio silence around here.

I just keep reminding myself of the above quote.

~ A

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Upcoming SAD

SAD  is twelve days away.... yes twelve. We are almost at single digits and as the day approaches, it becomes harder and harder to accept the SAD status that you have achieved.  What is SAD you may ask, well for us single peeps... it's affectionately known as Single Awareness Day, or a giant blinking arrow pointing down to you if you have no significant other come Valentine's Day.

I know Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, but let's be honest here. You should love your significant other, the other 364 days as well, and if you really googled the history of Saint Valentine... It would look more like a slasher movie than hearts, flowers, candy and declarations of I pink puffy heart luv you!

For the bitter betties of the world, it's the day to acquire one more cat.. eat copious amounts of chocolate and lament at the bastardo's of the male species... It's also the day for affirmations... I'm special, why wouldn't people love me, I'm awesome. Yeah, in the words of Bob Barker... Do the world a favor and spay and nueter your pets.. There are enough il gato's out there already... Thank the 8lb baby jesus I'm allergic!

For the Cheap Charlies out there it's is a conspiracy between the candy, card, and flower companies of the world to make bank and eek out money from Fort Knox you call a wallet. Oh gosh forbid you gotta pull the romance out a little. How's this conspiracy for you... The SUPERBOWL  is either the last week of January or the First week of February...  why you ask? It's because we've put up with the rants, raves, crazyiness of Football for a season and well we need a break. Thank the 8lb baby Jesus that Baseball is right around the corner. You don't seem to go all stage five clinger over baseball like some do about football, and well we need some sort of confirmation that you still love us before March Madness and brackets start!

For the What are we Wandas/Wayne's of the world, Valentines day can make or break a relationship. Don't take it seriously enough, feelings get hurt... Take it too far and well feelings get hurt too, because someone in the relationship in invested way more than the other person. It's a hassel out there guys of do I or don't I. Ultimately it's a relationship dealbreaker or definer? 

For us SAD's out there... It could be both sad or happy. We can buy or own chocolate, and we can share really well, and often not we have support groups. We usually do take out, and put in a movie. We turn off our phones, and avoid people cause sometimes too much lovey dovey can make a person literally sick, and await another day. Just remember that there are people out there that have both good SAD years and bad SAD years... For examp... I had a friend put on my back window in window paint Cupid hit here!, and I've had a year where every female on my floor recieve flowers from their significant others, and I didn't... That one hurt a little not gonna lie...

so a little advice for upcoming Valentines Day!  Us Gals, simply want to know that you still care about us, even if you show it 364 days a year. Something simple and thoughtful is lovely, and for those of you that find yourself as SADS this year.... Put a little Mistletoe in your back pocket and tell CUPID to kiss your ass... You love yourself enough!

I pink puffy heart luv you guys