SAD is twelve days away.... yes twelve. We are almost at single digits and as the day approaches, it becomes harder and harder to accept the SAD status that you have achieved. What is SAD you may ask, well for us single peeps... it's affectionately known as Single Awareness Day, or a giant blinking arrow pointing down to you if you have no significant other come Valentine's Day.
I know Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, but let's be honest here. You should love your significant other, the other 364 days as well, and if you really googled the history of Saint Valentine... It would look more like a slasher movie than hearts, flowers, candy and declarations of I pink puffy heart luv you!
For the bitter betties of the world, it's the day to acquire one more cat.. eat copious amounts of chocolate and lament at the bastardo's of the male species... It's also the day for affirmations... I'm special, why wouldn't people love me, I'm awesome. Yeah, in the words of Bob Barker... Do the world a favor and spay and nueter your pets.. There are enough il gato's out there already... Thank the 8lb baby jesus I'm allergic!
For the Cheap Charlies out there it's is a conspiracy between the candy, card, and flower companies of the world to make bank and eek out money from Fort Knox you call a wallet. Oh gosh forbid you gotta pull the romance out a little. How's this conspiracy for you... The SUPERBOWL is either the last week of January or the First week of February... why you ask? It's because we've put up with the rants, raves, crazyiness of Football for a season and well we need a break. Thank the 8lb baby Jesus that Baseball is right around the corner. You don't seem to go all stage five clinger over baseball like some do about football, and well we need some sort of confirmation that you still love us before March Madness and brackets start!
For the What are we Wandas/Wayne's of the world, Valentines day can make or break a relationship. Don't take it seriously enough, feelings get hurt... Take it too far and well feelings get hurt too, because someone in the relationship in invested way more than the other person. It's a hassel out there guys of do I or don't I. Ultimately it's a relationship dealbreaker or definer?
For us SAD's out there... It could be both sad or happy. We can buy or own chocolate, and we can share really well, and often not we have support groups. We usually do take out, and put in a movie. We turn off our phones, and avoid people cause sometimes too much lovey dovey can make a person literally sick, and await another day. Just remember that there are people out there that have both good SAD years and bad SAD years... For examp... I had a friend put on my back window in window paint Cupid hit here!, and I've had a year where every female on my floor recieve flowers from their significant others, and I didn't... That one hurt a little not gonna lie...
so a little advice for upcoming Valentines Day! Us Gals, simply want to know that you still care about us, even if you show it 364 days a year. Something simple and thoughtful is lovely, and for those of you that find yourself as SADS this year.... Put a little Mistletoe in your back pocket and tell CUPID to kiss your ass... You love yourself enough!
I pink puffy heart luv you guys